Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 1: Skyrim, Dark Souls and "Character Creation: The Game".

Edit:  I'm now 200+ hours into this game.  I REALLY need to move on. 
Ryan started Dark Souls with a broken sword and beat the Asylum Demon boss with it.  He had a problem where his character could not move so without the update patches he made his life so much harder.  Less souls, all sorts of bugs and general mayhem.  DS is hard enough, Ryan.  He killed the Tower Dark Knight just past the bridge in Undead Burg and died at the same time ... and forever after (in this play through anyhow) heard and "saw" it's ghost.  No one plays DS like Ryan.  Everyone has an epic Dark Souls story.  Ryan's are the best.

Sean C plays many many games and is also an excellent gamer.  I'm not sure how many games he has finished though, because what he loves most of all is to create characters.
Multiple characters.  Often.  So I dreamed up this game for him.

Tim is our IT wizard at work.  When I call him with a problem, the PC heals itself before he arrives.  It's positively humiliating.  Infuriating.  Humbling.  You will never meet a nicer IT guy (apart from our son).

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